Our company was founded in 2003 from the desire to bring on the Romanian market the latest news and methodology in the field of medical equipment, laboratory and research equipment, as well as their correlation and implementation in the tendency of computerization and telemedicine. The activity of the company includes the import and distribution of equipment mentioned above (and detailed in the "portfolio" chapter), ensuring for customers the transport, installation, service, software installations, as well as the training of the personnel.
Let's do everything necessary for a more efficient Romanian sanitary system and become one of the main providers of medical equipment in Romania.
To be as close to the client as possible through a more amicable and accessible communication, to understand his needs and requirements and to offer him the best solutions for acquiring, implementing and maintenance. For this we collaborate with companies in the country and abroad and we are constantly looking for new collaborators, trying to bring together modern and innovative solutions for a better equipment and development of the medical sector.
Our employees have higher education and are qualified for the positions they occupy. We have over 20 years experience in the field of medical equipment and qualified and approved personnel for mounting and service.
SC INFO MED EXPERT SRL holds all the necessary notices and certificates for marketing and service.
Our company is VAT registered at the Romanian Trade Register since 2003
Our company has been authorized since 2005 for import and service of medical equipment by ANMDM.
We are certified ISO9001 on the observance of quality management policies since 2008
We are certified ISO13485 regarding the observance of quality management policies in the field of medical equipment since 2012